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We extend and test two models of asset pricing that feature status-seeking through accumulation of not only financial and real assets but also human capital. We use weak-identification robust tests to confront these models with U.S. aggregate data. Contrary to previous results, we find that the...
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In this paper we employ a GMM-based approach to test the restrictions imposed by a two-factor 'market and oil' pricing …
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We explore the empirical usefulness of conditional coskewness to explain the cross-section of equity returns. We find that coskewness is an important determinant of the returns to equity, and that the pricing relationship varies through time. In particular we find that when the conditional...
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By employing Lucas’ (1982) model, this study proposes an arbitrage relationship – the Uncovered Equity Return Parity (URP) condition – to explain the dynamics of exchange rates. When expected equity returns in a country/region are lower than expected equity returns in another...
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Cross-sectional asset pricing tests with GMM can generate spuriouslyhigh explanatory power for factor models when the …
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Cross-sectional asset pricing tests with GMM can generate spuriouslyhigh explanatory power for factor models when the …
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We build a new asset pricing framework to study the effects of aggregate illiquidity on asset prices, volatilities and correlations. In our framework the Black-Scholes economy is obtained as the limiting case of perfectly liquid markets. The model is consistent with empirical studies on the...
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We propose a generalized method of moment (GMM) estimator of the number of latent factors in linear factor models. The …
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