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This paper discusses various concepts of unemployment rate benchmarks that are frequently used by policymakers for … particular, we propose two broad categories of unemployment rate benchmarks: (1) a longer-run unemployment rate expected to … prevail after adjusting to business cycle shocks and (2) a stable-price unemployment rate tied to inflationary pressures. We …
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policy and public debt. The aim of this paper is to address the challenges posed by the estimation of the discretionary … fiscal reaction function for the Euro area. We exploit recently introduced testing and estimation strategies for …. We find evidence of strong cross-sectional dependence in the panel, and clear support to a valid cointegration …
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In this paper we re-consider the effects of monetary policy shocks on exchange rates and forward premia. In the recent empirical literature, these effects have been predominantly described as puzzling, in that they would include delayed overshooting of the exchange rate as well as persistent...
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To determine the relative importance of both the domestic and external influences on monetary policy formulation, this paper constructs a broad monetary conditions index for Nigeria. It brings together the three key channels of monetary transmission, namely interest rate, exchange rate and...
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such as unemployment. Previous studies indicate that monetary policy affects the output gap only at business cycle … frequencies, but the effects on unemployment may well be more persistent in countries with highly regulated labor markets. We … study the Swedish experience of unemployment and monetary policy. Using a structural VAR we find that around 30 percent of …
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such as unemployment. Previous studies indicate that monetary policy affects the output gap only at business cycle … frequencies, but the effects on unemployment may well be more persistent in countries with highly regulated labor markets. We … study the Swedish experience of unemployment and monetary policy. Using a structural VAR we find that around 30 percent of …
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such as unemployment. Previous studies indicate that monetary policy affects the output gap only at business cycle … frequencies, but the effects on unemployment may well be more persistent in countries with highly regulated labor markets. We … study the Swedish experience of unemployment and monetary policy. Using a structural VAR we find that around 30 percent of …
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I quantify the importance of financial structure, labor market rigidities and industry mix for cross-country asymmetries in monetary transmission. To do so, I determine how closely the impulse responses to a monetary policy shock obtained from country-specific vectorautoregressive (VAR) models...
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in their unemployment rate and not a decline in labour force participation rate. Policymakers should take account of …
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