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Recent evidence shows that monetary policy announcements convey significant information about expected market returns and are therefore good candidates for innovations in intertemporal-asset pricing state variables. I propose an asset pricing model with the market return and a mimicking...
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Discount rates affect stock prices directly via the discount-rate channel or indirectly via the cash-flow channel because expected future cash-flow growth varies with the discount rates. The traditional Macaulay duration captures the effect from the discount-rate channel. I propose a novel...
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This study examines the relationship between bond fund flows, stock market returns and financial policies in developed and developing economies. The findings suggest a bidirectional (negative) relationship between bond flows and market returns in the presence of fiscal and monetary policy for...
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We incorporate a latent stochastic volatility factor and macroeconomic expectations in an affine model for the term structure of nominal and real rates. We estimate the model over 1999-2016 on U.S. data for nominal and TIPS yields, the realized and implied volatility of T-bonds and survey...
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Dynamic economic models make predictions about impulse responses that characterize how macroeconomic processes respond to alternative shocks over different horizons. From the perspective of asset pricing, impulse responses quantify the exposure of macroeconomic processes and other cash flows to...
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We find that the FOMC-announcement-day return premium earned by a firm is positively related to the increase in its ex ante, option-implied skewness prior to the announcement. This finding is consistent with: (1) the existence of an announcement-day Fed put that is partially anticipated by the...
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This paper estimates the effect of the European Central Banks's monetary policy on the term structure of expected stock market risk premia. Expected stock market premia are solved using analysts' dividend forecasts, the Eurostoxx 50 stock index and Eurostoxx 50 dividend futures. Although...
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This paper attempts to identify how monetary policy shocks affect stock prices by using Mundell and Fleming's theory of the "Impossible Trinity". According to this theory, it is impossible to simultaneously have a fixed exchange rate, free capital movement (an absence of capital controls), and...
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In this paper we consider two new independent variables as inputs to the Taylor Rule. These are the equity and housing momentum variables and are introduced to investigate the potential usefulness of these two variables in guiding the Fed to lean against potential bubbles. Such effectiveness...
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