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Using contract-level supervisory data, we show that dollar forward sales by non-US banks that are initiated at the end of a quarter and mature shortly after it concludes trade at higher prices and higher volumes. These effects are driven by banks with large net on-balance-sheet dollar assets...
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This paper provides a new test for whether different-currency assets are imperfect substitutes. The test exploits that under floating rates, changing public currency demand has no direct effect on monetary fundamentals, current or future. Price effects from imperfect substitutability are clearly...
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The aim of this paper is to detect periods in which two currencies can be classified as being theʺsameʺ asset. Two currencies can be treated as the same asset if their exchange rates vis-`a-vis the same base currency are cointegrated with a cointegration vector that is consistent with the...
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In this paper we provide evidence for Evans and Lyons' (2005b) model of an information aggregation process in FX markets using a German bank's end-user order flow from 2002 to 2003. Though customer order flow is unambiguously the vehicle incorporating non-public information into exchange rates...
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Most technical analysis studies are concerned with the profitability of technical trading rules and almost all of them focus exclusively on trend-following patterns. In this paper we examine a different kind of technical indicator which suggests a structural relationship between High, Low, and...
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This paper studies conditional correlated jump dynamics in foreign exchange returns using a new bivariate jump model with autoregressive jump intensities. Using daily data of German Mark against British Pound and Japanese Yen against the U.S. dollar, we find currency return correlations are...
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Previous research on the dynamic linkages between international financial markets focused on bivariate inter-equity or inter-currency relationships and do not allow a specific role for the currency or equity market, respectively. In this paper, we hypothesize that there are important, yet not...
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Using a disaggregate survey data base, this paper re-examines the issue of the existence of a time-varying risk premia in three foreign exchange markets. Previous research on this topic has utilized a consensus measure of the risk premium, based on the rational expectations assumption, and is...
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The purpose of this paper is to carry out a specification analysis of a test relation for the unbiasedness hypothesis using thirty-day forward foreign exchange data from France, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and West Germany. The results indicate that econometric problems do exist for each...
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