Showing 1 - 10 of 211
Nazi Germany’s<strong> </strong>“children’s euthanasia” was a unique program in the history of mankind, seeking to realize a social Darwinist vision of a society by means of the systematic murder of disabled children and youths. Perpetrators extinguished “unworthy life” during childhood and...
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In this paper we emphasize the contribution of technical change, broadly defined, towards productivity growth in explaining the relative East Germany-West Germany performance during the post-World War II era. We argue that previous work was excessively focused on physical capital investments...
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Following Foucault's analysis of German Neoliberalism (Ordoliberalism) and his thesis of ambiguity, this paper introduces a two-level distinction between individual and regulatory ethics. In particular, its aim is to reassess the importance of individual ethics in the conceptual framework of...
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This article outlines a model of how social interactions among persons belonging to the same region might influence the individual unemployment duration. The impact is assumed to be enhanced through social work norms shared by peers within the group. Building on a range of German data sets and...
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Criticism of the compensation practice of bonus payments was a key element of the public debate concerning the causes and consequences of the global financial crisis (GFC). Along with the criticism of bonuses in the financial and banking sector, the validity of the performance principle as a...
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An imperative need has arisen to provide a Constructive push to the President Bush. American population, Corporate units, Expatriates and all nations with their currency related to US $, are not happy in the current $ dipping situation. Even the currencies of poor nations are galloping upward in...
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Die halbjährliche Zeitumstellung führt immer wieder zu heftigen Diskussionen, ob die damit verbundenen Unannehmlichkeiten durch eine entsprechende Energieersparnis gerechtfertigt sind. Die Autoren haben die Stromersparnis für die Optionen Sommerzeit und Winterzeit (Status quo), nur Winterzeit...
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Chinas Anteile an den Warenimporten der EU-Länder stiegen im Zeitraum 2000 bis 2019 sehr deutlich, mit einem Schwerpunkt auf der ersten Dekade. Deutschlands Anteile waren dagegen seit 2005 im Trend rückläufig. Bei den in dieser Studie betrachteten anspruchsvollen industriellen Produktgruppen...
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In einer repräsentativen Unternehmensumfrage im Rahmen des IW-Zukunftspanels unter rund 900 deutschen Firmen aus den Bereichen Industrie und industrienahe Dienstleistungen im März und April 2024 geben rund 350 der befragten Firmen an, chinesische Wettbewerber in ihren Absatzmärkten zu haben....
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This paper examines the concept of a promise, an essential tool for Islamic financial transactions that has facilitated the development of structured Sharī‘ah-compliant financing arrangements and mitigated much of the risk that Islamic financial institutions encounter. The study explores...
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