Showing 1 - 10 of 407
About five decades the Franc CFA - Zone in Western and Central Africa was praised as incarnation of economic and political stability in Africa, backed by France. But free convertibility and fixed parity, guaranteed by the French Treasury, mainly served the interest of a small elite of the...
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This report systematically outlines the state of play in digital policy and Berlin’s current policy approach. It provides 48 recommendations for strengthening Germany’s efforts to build a confident, high-performing European digital economy embedded in an open, democratic, and rules-based...
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Deutschland finanziert Klimavorhaben in vulnerablen Ländern des Globalen Südens,wobei zu unterscheiden ist, ob es seinen eingegangenen internationalen Verpflichtungennachkommt oder die Finanzierung vielmehr von deutschen Interessen geleitet ist. Dabeiist durchaus kritisch zu betrachten, dass...
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Der lange Zeit von Medien und Öffentlichkeit wenig beachtete Frauenfußball erlebt momentaneinen regelrechten Boom. Aus diesem Anlass wird ein genauerer Blick auf den Stand sowie diePerspektiven des Frauenfußballs geworfen, bevor die mediale und öffentliche Aufmerksamkeitvor und während der...
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Within the EU research project SVAPPAS, a method of sustainability measurement based on principles of financial markets, will be tested wrt sustainability issues in agriculture, and further developed. This analysis is oriented to farm level approach based on FADN data. The study goes in two...
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This study is about structural change in the energy system. In a first step an econometric model is presented and in a second step diffusion of GTs is embedded theoretically. By focusing on different green technology industries (GT sector) in Germany, we analyze how policy induced demand...
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This study experimentally examines the effect of different types of environmental information on investors’ judgment regarding long-term investments. Based on three experimental cases (financial; financial & additional common environmental; financial & additional common environmental &...
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In the transition to decarbonized energy systems, Power-to-Gas (PtG) processes have the potential to connect the existing markets for electricity and hydrogen. Specifically, reversible PtG systems can convert electricity to hydrogen at times of ample power supply, yet they can also operate in...
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Economics has evolved over time, and it helps to explain and shape the actors’ economic activities. Although economics is useful to humans’ lives, it is either failed or insufficient to justify many real-world cases, ranging from humans’ rapid and/or unpredictable progress in the...
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With the availability of new techniques to close wine bottles avoiding the risk of “corky” taste the tradition of closing wine bottles with cork stoppers is on the retreat. As a consequence the Mediterranean cork oak forests with their rich biodiversity are endangered since their cultivation...
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