Showing 1 - 10 of 205
I propose two new tests of Falk and Knell's (2004)prediction that individuals'reference income increases with ability. To overcome the difficulty that the reference income is not observed in existing large data sets, I extend Falk and Knell's model to establish a link between immigrants'...
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I propose two new tests of Falk and Knell's (2004) prediction that individuals' reference income increases with ability. To overcome the difficulty that the reference incomeis not observed in existing large data sets, I extend Falk and Knell's model to establish a link between immigrants'...
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Die Europawahl 2019 hat in Deutschland markante regionale Unterschiede im Wahlverhalten aufgezeigt. Im Vergleich zur Bundestagswahl verzeichnen vor allem die Grünen starke Stimmengewinne in westdeutschen Kreisen, während die AfD ihren Erfolg in den ostdeutschen Kreisen konsolidieren kann....
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German voters in the 2019 European election showed remarkable regional differences in their voting behavior. The Green Party surged in West German districts, while the AfD further consolidated its successes in East Germany. Investigating structural differences at the district level reveals that...
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German voters in the 2019 European election showed remarkable regional differences in their voting behavior. The Green Party surged in West German districts, while the AfD further consolidated its successes in East Germany. Investigating structural differences at the district level reveals that...
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This chapter investigates the integration processes of immigrants in Germany by comparing certain immigrant groups to natives differentiating by gender and immigrant generation. Indicators which are supposed to capture cultural integration of immigrants are differences in marital behavior as...
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Explanations of attitudes towards immigration include those that take a utilitarian perspective, focusing on immigration's real-world impacts, and others that look at immigration attitudes from the point of view of ideological affiliation. Focusing on the German "migration crisis" as a case...
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We utilise information experiments embedded in a representative population survey to elicit the German public’s attitude towards the right of asylum. We randomly assign the interviewees to different groups and ‘treat’ each group with different information about the asylum-seekers that came...
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Im ersten Halbjahr 2021 hat das Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (BMEL) bei der INFO GmbH Markt- und Meinungsforschung eine repräsentative Bevölkerungsumfrage in Deutschland in Auftrag gegeben, um Analysen subjektiver Einschätzungen und Erfahrungen der Bevölkerung in...
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People care about their relative standing in society and therefore compare themselves to relevant others. Empirical findings suggest that there are concerns for relative standing for different goods and life domains such as income, cars, attractiveness, and supervisor's praise. Even education...
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