Showing 1 - 10 of 168
This paper applies parametric and non-parametric and parametric tests to assess the efficiency of electricity distribution companies in Germany. We address traditional issues in electricity sector benchmarking, such as the role of scale effects and optimal utility size, as well as new evidence...
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We analyze the current regulatory regime for electricity transmission in Germany, which combines network planning with both cost-plus and revenue-cap regulations. After reviewing international experiences on transmission investment, we first make a qualitative assessment of the overall German...
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We analyze the effects of an incentive based regulatory scheme with revenue caps on the investment behaviors and decisions of 109 electricity distribution companies operating in Germany in 2006-2012. We hypothesize that Germany's implementation of incentive regulation in 2009 has a negative...
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The overlapping impact of the Emission Trading System (ETS) and renewable energy (RE) deployment targets creates a classic case of interaction effects. Whereas the price interaction is widely recognized and has been thoroughly discussed, the effect of an overlapping instrument on the abatement...
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We analyze the pass-through of cost changes to retail tariffs in the German electricity market over the 2007 to 2014 period. We find an average pass-through rate of around 60%, which significantly varies with demand factors: while the pass-through rate to baseline tariffs, where firms have...
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According to the German federal government's climate protection targets, there will be a continuous reduction of lignite-based electricity well before 2030. Simulations show that the currently authorized lignite mines in eastern Germany would not be fully depleted if the climate protection...
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Den Klimaschutzzielen der Bundesregierung zufolge muss dieBraunkohleverstromung in Deutschland bereits deutlich vor demJahr 2030 kontinuierlich abnehmen. Simulationen zeigen, dass diebereits genehmigten Tagebaufelder in den ostdeutschen Revierenbei einer Einhaltung der Klimaschutzziele bis 2030...
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A shift from zonal to nodal pricing improves the efficiency of system operation. However, resulting price changes also shift surplus across generation and loads at different locations. As individual actors can lose, they might oppose any reform. We explore how allocation of financial...
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The construction of a second Baltic Sea natural gas pipeline from Russia to Germany (Nord Stream 2) is very controversial for political, energy economic, and ecological reasons. The project owner and some European energy companies argue that it is a profitable, private-sector investment project...
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Der Bau der zweiten Ostsee-Erdgaspipeline (Nord Stream 2) ist aus politischen, energiewirtschaftlichen und ökologischen Gründen sehr umstritten. Der Projektbetreiber und einige europäische Energieversorgungsunternehmen argumentieren, es handele sich um ein privatwirtschaftlich angelegtes,...
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