Showing 1 - 10 of 396
We study the origins of Germans’ stringent attitude towards privacy. Our main hypothesis is that the culture of Holocaust remembrance (Erinnerungskultur) focuses Germans’ attention on the risks associated with private data ending up in the wrong hands. One example of this culture of...
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After the German reunification, interregional subsidies accounted for approximately four percent of gross fixed capital investment in the new federal states. We show that between 1992 and 2005 infrastructure and (small) business aid had a negative net impact on regional economic growth. This...
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Die Gebietskörperschaften in Deutschland sind zunehmend bestrebt, private Finanzierungsmodelle für den Bau und den Betrieb von Einrichtungen der Verkehrsinfrastruktur zu realisieren. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird versucht, mittels einer detaillierten Auswertung der Haushaltspläne des Bundes und...
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In dem Beitrag wird untersucht, welche Gründe für die Anlage eines Tiefwasserhafens für Containerschiffe an der Deutschen Bucht sprechen. Das Hafenprojekt erscheint im Hinblick auf steigende Schiffsgrößen und zunehmenden internationalen Güteraustausch gesamtwirtschaftlich sinnvoll. Die...
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Im April 2015 hat die Expertenkommission zur „Stärkung von Investitionen in Deutschland“ ihren Bericht abgeliefert und damit die Diskussion über die Finanzierung der öffentlichen Infrastruktur in Deutschland wieder angeregt. Einig sind sich die Autoren über den dringenden...
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In this paper, we analyze the impact of transportation infrastructure quantity and quality on regional economic production. We exploit an extensive panel dataset on the German county level (N=401), expressing the capital value and condition of highways between 2007 and 2016, to estimate a...
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This study uses the example of the 2006 soccer World Cup in Germany to examine whether any systematic relationships exist between infrastructure investments on the one hand and investments in the respective stadium on the other. Particular attention is paid to an examination of whether the...
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In this paper, we analyze the effect of transport infrastructure investments in railways. As a testing ground, we use data from a new historical database that includes annual panel data on approximately 2,400 Swedish rural geographical areas during the period 1860-1917. We use a staggered event...
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We estimate the marginal costs of road renewals as part of a social marginal cost scheme for road user charging. Within an analytical approach that mirrors the relationship between road deterioration, traffic load and road renewal, we use an accelerated failure time model for road pavement with...
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A comprehensive roll-out of public charging infrastructure will be costly. However, its impact on the diffusion of electric vehicles (EVs) is not clear at all. Our study aims at estimating the extent to which an increasing availability of public charging infrastructure promotes consumers’...
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