Showing 141 - 150 of 160
We reconsider Laussel and Palfrey's (2003) analysis of private provision of a discrete public good via the subscription game. We show that the equilibria they define as semi-regular do not exist. Taking players' values for the public good as uniformly distributed on [vl, vh] with vl 0, we...
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In this paper an algorithm is proposed to find an integral solution of (nonlinear) complementarity problems. The algorithm starts with a nonnegative integral point and generates a unique sequence of adjacent integral simplices of varying dimension. Conditions are stated under which the algorithm...
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In this paper we prove the following fixed point theorem. Consider a non-empty bounded polyhedron P and a function f from P to P such that for every x in P with f(x) not equal to x there is a ball in P around x such that the inner product of f(y)-y and f(z)-z is nonnegative for any two elements...
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We derive the existence of a Walras equilibrium directly from Nash's theorem on noncooperative games. No price player is involved, nor are generalized games. Instead we use a variant of the Shapley-Shubik trading-post game
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We show that essentially every communication equilibrium of any finite Bayesian game with two players can be implemented as a strategic form correlated equilibrium of an extended game, in which before choosing actions as in the Bayesian game, the players engage in a possibly infinitely long (but...
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We develop a model of credit rating agencies (CRAs) based on reputation concerns. Ratings affect investors' choice and, thereby, also issuers' access to funding and default risk. We show that - in equilibrium - the informational content of credit ratings is inferior to that of CRAs' private...
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We show that in the canonical non-cooperative multilateral bargaining game, a subgame perfect equilibrium exists in pure stationary strategies, even when the space of feasible payoffs is not convex. At such an equilibrium there is no delay. We also have the converse result that randomization...
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This note characterizes the set A¡∞ of actions of player ¡ that are uniquely rationalizable for some hierarchy of beliefs on an arbitrary space of uncertainty. It is proved that for any rationalizable action a¡ for the type t¡, if a¡ belongs to A¡∞ and is justified by conjectures...
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