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This paper empirically compares sticky-price and sticky-information Phillips curves considering inflation dynamics in … moments of inflation. Under baseline calibrations, the two models perform similarly in almost all countries. Under estimated … unconditional moments of inflation dynamics better while sticky information is more successful in matching co-movement of inflation …
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most countries, and once we control for a lagged inflation term, we find that the majority of the price setters are …
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It has been widely argued that inflation persistence since WWII has been widespread and durable and that it can only be …
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Using the statistical technique of fuzzy clustering, regimes of inflation and unemployment are explored for the United … inflation/unemployment space. There is considerable similarity across the countries in both the regimes themselves and in the … timings of the transitions between regimes. However, the typical rates of inflation and unemployment experienced in the …
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This paper studies factors behind inflation dynamics in the euro area, the UK and the US. It introduces a factor … inflation in the three economies. The FAVAR model framework is also applied to study the effects on inflation subcomponents in … the more recent past. The FAVAR models suggest that headline inflation in the three economies has reacted in a relatively …
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This paper empirically compares sticky-price and sticky-information Phillips curves considering inflation dynamics in … moments of inflation. Under baseline calibrations, the two models perform similarly in almost all countries. Under estimated … unconditional moments of inflation dynamics better while sticky information is more successful in matching co-movement of inflation …
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During the recovery from the Great Recession, inflation did not reach the central bank's 2 percent objective as quickly … contestable and damped retail inflation. This hypothesis is tested using data on the online share of retail sales, which are … sensitivity of inflation to unemployment rate changes. Improvement in fit from just including the online share is tiny—so far …
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We investigate the relevance of the Carroll's sticky information model of inflation expectations for four major … European economies (France, Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom). Using survey data on household and expert inflation … expectations we argue that the model adequately captures the dynamics of household inflation expectations. We estimate two …
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professional forecasters from four major European economies. Our estimates imply that inflation expectations in France, Germany and …
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-recession trend, suggesting hysteresis. Second, while inflation has decreased, it has decreased less than anticipated, suggesting a … breakdown of the relation between inflation and activity. To examine the first, we look at 122 recessions over the past 50 years … unemployment on inflation,for given expected inflation, decreased until the early 1990s, but has remained roughly stable since then …
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