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Since 1990, a number of countries have adopted inflation targeting as their declared monetary strategy. Interpretations of the significance of this movement, however, have differed widely. To some, inflation targeting mandates the single-minded, rule-like pursuit of price stability without...
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The United Kingdom's monetary policy strategy is one of floating exchange rates and inflation forecast targeting, with the targeted measure referring to consumer prices. We consider whether it is welfare-reducing to target inflation in the CPI rather than in a narrower index; and the role of the...
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Inflation-targeting monetary policy is compared with price-level targeting. It is argued that price-level targeting offers greater certainty about the long-term inflation rate, greater economic growth, a superior response to a deflationary depression, and other advantages
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This paper analyzes the performance of central banks in 27 inflation targeting countries by examining their success in achieving their explicit inflation targets. For this purpose, we decompose the inflation gap, the difference between actual inflation and inflation target, into predictable and...
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In recent years, a number of central banks have chosen to orient their monetary policy toward the achievement of numerical inflation targets. This study examines the experience of the first three countries to adopt an inflation-targeting strategy - New Zealand, Canada, and the United Kingdom. It...
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This paper argues that the inflation targeting regime prevailing in the United Kingdom is not the result of a change in policymaker objectives. By conducting an analysis of U.K. policymakers that parallels Romer and Romer's (2004) study of Federal Reserve Chairmen, I demonstrate that policymaker...
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Some, but less than intended. The reason is a shift in the behavior of the private sector: Prices adjust more frequently, lowering the potency of monetary policy. We quantitatively investigate this channel across different models, based on a calibration using micro data. By raising the target...
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This study shows how to construct monetary aggregates using a procedure to adjust the simple-sum, Divisia and empirical monetary aggregates to be consistent with weak separability. The corresponding adjusted monetary aggregates have considerable leading indicator information and provide the most...
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This paper examines the effectiveness of inflation targeting to stabilize the real economy of the advanced countries where inflation targeting was adopted in the early 1990s. This paper employs the monetary business cycle accounting methodology recently developed by Šustek (2011) which is an...
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There is now considerable disquiet about the appropriate monetary strategy that central banks should follow in the aftermath of the global financial crisis. Several influential commentators have called for the abandonment of inflation targeting. Empirical research examining three major economies...
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