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Using the S&P GSCI and its five component sub-indices, we show that considering each commodity separately yields nontrivial hedging gains in and out of sample. During 1999-2019, the maximum Sharpe ratio portfolio assigns positive weights to the GSCI Energy, Industrial and Precious Metals,...
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Using the S&P GSCI and its five component sub-indices, we show that considering each commodity separately yields nontrivial hedging gains in and out of sample. During 1999–2019, the maximum Sharpe ratio portfolio assigns positive weights to the GSCI Energy, Industrial and Precious Metals,...
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Geopolitical events can impact volatilities of all assets, asset classes, sectors and countries. It is shown that innovations to volatilities are correlated across assets and therefore can be used to measure and hedge geopolitical risk. We introduce a definition of geopolitical risk which is...
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Implied correlation, jointly extracted from index and stock options, is a robust predictor of long-term market returns. We document that its predictive power stems from its role as a leading procyclical state variable, predicting future investment opportunities, that is, financial-market risks...
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We propose a theoretical measure of income hedging demand and show that it affects asset prices. We focus on the value factor and first demonstrate that our demand estimates are correlated with the actual demands of retail and mutual fund investors. Then, we show that the aggregate HML demand...
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Risk management is crucial for optimal portfolio management. One of the fastest growing areas in empirical finance is the expansion of financial deriva-tives. The purpose of this special issue on “Risk Management and Financial Deriva-tives” is to highlight some areas in which novel...
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This paper examines the effectiveness of using futures contracts as hedging instruments of: (1) alternative models of volatility for estimating conditional variances and covariances; (2) alternative currencies; and (3) alternative maturities of futures contracts. For this purpose, daily data of...
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Adding volatility exposure to an equity portfolio offers interesting opportunities for long-term investors. This article discusses the advantages of adding a long volatility strategy for a protection to a global European equity portfolio and to specific equity portfolios based in "core" or...
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This paper focuses on the valuation and hedging of gas storage facilities, using a spot-based valuation framework coupled with a financial hedging strategy implemented with futures contracts. The contributions of this paper are two-fold. Firstly, we propose a model that unifies the dynamics of...
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This study has 4 contributions to the literature. First, the authors analyze the risk characteristics for 11 Relative Value hedge fund strategies. Second, the authors introduce 3 families of behavioral factors, the D family, the L family, and the R family. In contrast to previous hedge fund...
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