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one's own group or if there is a preference for \marrying up". We then estimateactual preferences for caste, education …
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How valuable is education for entrepreneurs’ performance as compared to employees’?What might explain any differences …? And does education affect peoples’ occupationalchoices accordingly? We answer these questions based on a large panel of US … labor forceparticipants. We show that education affects peoples’ decisions to become an entrepreneurnegatively. We show …
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human capital and innovation are important for growth entrepreneurship,then higher education should have a significant role … requested information on graduates’ employmenthistory, further education, income, entrepreneurial activity and community …
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The paper draws upon the work of T.W. Schultz to show that human capital theory andlabor market adjustments have important implications for investing in people for the 21st Century.[...]
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betterin school, and hence, get more education but scrimp on investing in their own progeny’s patience.This dynamic can …
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. Ökonomen verstehen Bildung nämlich als Ausbildung, das heisst als Investition. Wie jede andere Investition verursacht ja auch … die Bildung Kosten... …
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We analyze the long-run and intergenerational effects of a large-scale school building project (INPRES) that took place in Indonesia between 1974 and 1979. Specifically, we link the geographic rollout of INPRES to longitudinal data from the Indonesian Family Life Survey covering two generations....
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This paper documents inequality in health and education outcomes by constructing an index of human capital …
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