Showing 1 - 10 of 24
1.Introduction 2.Atkinson's Measure 2.1 Asymptotic Standard Errors 2.2 Grouped Data 3.Posterior Distributions 3.1 Posterior Density for The pis 3.2 Information About The uis 3.2.1 Lognormal Distribution of Income 3.2.2 Assumptions About Group Mean Incomes 4.Numerical Results 5.Conclusions
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This paper examines the relationship between cross-sectional and life-time income distributions using a simple simulation model. It takes as its point of departure some broad conclusions regarding earnings inequality and mobility that were drawn by the OECD. These concerned comparisons between...
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Wage functions provide much useful descriptive information about those characteristics of individuals which are associated with relatively high or low wage rates. In any cross-sectional survey there are many individuals who are not working at the time the survey is carried out. Such people may...
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This paper uses a lifetime income simulation model to examine the effects on inequality and progressivity of extending the time period over which income is measured. The income tax schedule typically displays increasing marginal rates, and there is a substantial amount of relative income...
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This paper studies the impact of crop loss on the level of educational expenditure of Indonesian households using data from the 1993 Indonesian Family Life Survey. The data are unique in that they contain self-reported information on crop loss and on household responses to crop loss. Thirty-four...
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In the first section the authors discuss the nature of cyclical features and the distinction between the traditional analysis of co-movement discussed in the business cycles literature and the more recent common cycles analysis. Section 2 examines the nature of the data used in the estimation...
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In this study we examine Australian census data on regional incomes for the period 1976-91. Following a discussion of theories and empirical evidence regarding regional income adjustment, the regional dispersion of per capita income is analysed for Australian states and at the sub-state level.
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In Kuznets's (1955) classic paper on the relationship between economic growth and income inequality, the process of population shift from traditional to modern activities forms the basis of the theory of distributional change during the process of development. This relationship, known at...
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This paper considers some implications for macroeconomic policy in an open economy if-as appears highly probable-international flows of capital are now significantly sensitive to changes in income, and to expected changes in income, in different countries. This assumption is in contrast to that...
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