Showing 1 - 10 of 922
COVID-19 has been a tragedy for California. More than 4 million Californians have contracted the disease, and over 64,000 have died from it. And beyond the cost of illness and death, the pandemic and the state’s actions to contain it have devastated California’s economy. Low-income and...
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In this paper we estimate the income distributional effects of the common agricultural policy (CAP) for farmers and landowners. First, we theoretically analyse the level of farmers' and landowners' gains from coupled and decoupled payments. Second, using a unique farm level panel data set from...
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Economic theory, as well as empirical findings, suggest that the way in which agricultural support is provided has an influence on land markets, because payments capitalise to some degree into land values, affecting both the sale and rental price of land. The present paper analyses how the...
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The formal theoretical model in this study provides general equilibrium evidence that a country's ranking with respect to either of income inequality (αr), or GDP Per Capita (Gr) each are better statistics for a country's `placement' in the cross-section of countries than either of actual...
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Economic development, which refers to the process of progressive transformation of an economy, is a multifaceted term without a universal definition. This article presents the constitutive elements of economic development, such as growth, distribution, and innovation. Economic development has...
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Thailand’s economic development has been quite successful in terms of achieving high growth rate and reasonable per capita income. The country’s economic performance in terms of the transformation of production and exports are tending toward the normal pattern of increasing share of...
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This paper returns to the discussion of how income inequality affects economic growth. The main argument is that economic freedom is likely to affect the association although the relations are theoretically ambiguous. In a panel of 300 observations from five-year periods across the 50 US states,...
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Nous présentons le cadre d’un modèle de simulation macro-micro pour l’étude de l’impact des politiques économiques sur la distribution du revenu et la pauvreté monétaire à Madagascar. Les options et les choix de modélisation sont discutés pour le module micro-économique et pour...
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We present the framework of a macro-micro simulation model for the study of the impact of economic policies on income distribution and monetary poverty in Madagascar. Modelling options and choices are discussed for the micro-economic module and for the macro-micro linkages. Econometric...
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We study the impact of human capital and the level of education on the pollution-income relationship controlling for income inequality in 17 OECD countries. By applying an innovative approach to country grouping, based on the temporal evolution of income inequality and clustering techniques to...
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