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In this paper we use two years worth of daily housing platform data (October 2018 to September 2020) to construct early market indicators for London and Vienna. The timing of the dataset allows us to track the influence of the Covid-19 pandemic almost in real time. In particular, we construct...
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We address the construction of price indexes for consumer vehicles using data collected from a national sample of dealerships. The dataset contains highly disaggregate data on actual sales prices and quantities, along with information on customer cash rebates, financing terms, and much more....
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The process of globalization is an international economic order which has led to the progressive integration of the world economy through the pulling the barrier of trade and greater mobility of factors of production. In addition the technological innovation also provides impetus to the...
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In some countries a Paasche price index based on unit values is compiled as a proxy for a true Paasche (or Laspeyres) price index on the basis of prices. This is for example the case in German foreign trade statistics. Unit values are average prices referring to a 'commodity number' (CN), that...
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We combine the ideas of the trimmed mean and the Edgeworth index to construct an alternative measure of core inflation named Trim of Most Volatile Components (TMVC). At each point of time this measure trims away the components of the price index, which have been most volatile in the past. TMVC...
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A long lasting controversy in Sweden as well as internationally is how to best estimate a price on the services of owner occupied housing in a consumer price index. There is no international consensus and different approaches have been adopted. In this paper we use a true cost-of-living index...
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A dynamic model of consumer behavior that incorporates the demand for housing is specified such that it is consistent with the general purpose of a consumer price index. From this model a true cost-of-living index that includes housing is derived. Being an ideal index it cannot be computed...
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This paper uses index number theory to disentangle changes in aggregate retail interest rates due to changes in individual component rates (“interest rate effect”) from those caused by changes in the weights of each component (“weight effect”), on the basis of the “difference” index...
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Prais (1958) showed that the standard CPI computed by most statistical agencies can be interpreted as a weighted average of household price indexes, where the weight of each household is determined by its total expenditures. In this paper, we decompose the CPI plutocratic gap-i.e. the difference...
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In the calculation of economic aggregates it is often necessary to compute the value of these aggregates in some relevant subgroups as well as for the whole data. A method of calculation is said to be consistent in aggregation if it gives the same result regardless of whether it is applied...
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