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economies, we find that the main driver of consumer price inflation is the global demand shock. A negative global demand shock … pass-through following this shock is of opposite sign to what is usually expected. Finally, exogenous shocks to the …
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We investigate the relationship between inflation uncertainty and monetary policy transmission in the U.S. economy. Monetary policy shocks are identified within the framework of nonlinear structural factor-augmented VARs which allow us to analyze several complementary hypotheses connecting IU...
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effective in State 2. Exogenously differentiating regimes by the level of inflation or the shock size does not reveal state …
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We introduce a new class of time-varying parameter vector autoregressions (TVP-VARs) where the identified structural innovations are allowed to influence - contemporaneously and with a lag - the dynamics of the intercept and autoregressive coefficients in these models. An estimation algorithm...
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We quantify spillovers of inflation expectations between the United States (US) and Euro Area (EA) based on break-even inflation (BEI) rates. In contrast to previous studies, we model US and EA BEI rates jointly in a structural vector autoregressive (SVAR) model. The SVAR approach allows to...
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This paper analyzes the impact of monetary policy during periods of low and high financial stress in the US economy using a Threshold Vector Autoregression model. There is evidence that expansionary monetary policy is effective during periods of high financial stress with larger responses having...
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positive policy rate shock positively for all periods and have a hump shape for government debt security yields as well as for … all interest rates to the policy shock increase; (iii) the responses to the policy shock of credit interest rates with …
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This paper analyzes the impact and effectiveness of conventional monetary policy during periods of low and high financial stress in the US economy. Using data from 1973Q1 to 2008Q4, the analysis is conducted by estimating a Threshold Vector Autoregression (TVAR) model to capture switching...
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Epstein-Zin preferences to study the volatility implications of a monetary policy shock. An unexpected increases in the policy … volatility effects of the shock are driven by agents' concern about the (in)ability of the monetary authority to reverse …
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wisdom about the effects of monetary policy shock. …
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