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When indexation is endogenous price level targeting slightly adds to economic stability, contrary to widespread fears to the contrary. The aggregate supply curve flattens and the aggregate demand curve steepens, increasing stability in the face of supply shocks.
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both time series and panel unit root tests in order to analyze the stationarity properties of deviation of inflation from …
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We investigate the degree of anchoring in inflation expectations for different advanced economies using data from professional forecasters' surveys. We define expectations as anchored when movements in short-run expectations do not trigger movements in expectations at longer horizons. Using...
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We investigate the empirics of the persistence in the inflation series for 13 OECD countries that use an inflation targeting regime. We estimate persistence in the pre- and post-targeting periods using the fractional integration framework suggested by Kim and Phillips (2006, 2000) and Phillips...
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We investigate inflation persistence in six inflation targeting (IT) countries from the global-economy perspective. This view maintains that inflation persistence in IT countries has declined mainly because of the decline of inflation persistence in the global economy. We provide empirical...
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This paper reports a two-stage analysis of inflation persistence using monthly data from 11 IT countries and, for comparison, the US, a non IT country with a history of credible monetary policy. First, we estimate inflation persistence in a rolling-window fractional integration setting using the...
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We use a variety of nonparametric test statistics to evaluate the inflation- targeting regimes of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Sweden and the UK. We argue that a sensible approach of evaluation must rely on a variety of methods, among them parametric and nonparametric econometric methods, for...
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We compare the degree of anchoring of inflation expectations in the euro area, the United States and the United Kingdom, focusing on the post-crisis period. First of all, we estimate a set of measures of average and tail correlation using inflation swaps and options, following Natoli and...
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We analyze the degree of anchoring of inflation expectations in the euro area during the post-crisis period, with a focus on the time span from 2014 onwards when long-term beliefs have substantially drifted away from the policy target. Using a new estimation technique, we look at tail...
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This paper assesses time variation in monetary policy rules by applying a Time-Varying Parameter Generalised Methods of Moments (TVP-GMM) framework. Using monthly data until December 2022 for five inflation targeting countries (the UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Sweden) and five countries...
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