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Bilateral bargaining situations are often characterized by informational asymmetries concerning the size of what is at … of asymmetric information on proposer behavior in two different situations which allow for a variation of responder veto … compared to the dictator game is (marginally) smaller when the proposer is in the superior information position. Further we …
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Bilateral bargaining situations are often characterized by informational asymmetries concerning the size of what is at … of asymmetric information on proposer behavior in two different situations which allow for a variation of responder veto … compared to the dictator game is (marginally) smaller when the proposer is in the superior information position. Further we …
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We analyze the effects of asymmetric information concerning the size of a pie on proposer behavior in three different … bargaining situations: the ultimatum game, the Yes-No-game and the dictator game. Our data show that (a) irrespective of the … information condition, proposer generosity increases with responder veto power, (b) informed proposers in the ultimatum game try …
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laboratory experiment we test the different theories by systematically varying information conditions. We find significant … effects of seemingly innocent changes in information. Moreover, the generalized imitation model predicts the differences …
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A well-known result by Vega-Redondo implies that in symmetric Cournot oligopoly, imitation leads to the Walrasian outcome where price equals marginal cost. In this paper we show that this result is not robust to the slightest asymmetry in fixed costs. Instead of obtaining the Walrasian outcome...
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laboratory experiment we test the different theories by systematically varying information conditions. We find significant … effects of seemingly innocent changes in information. Moreover, the generalized imitation model predicts the differences …
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We experimentally investigate how different information about others' individual contributions affects conditional … cooperators' willingness to cooperate in a one-shot linear public goods game. We find that when information about individual … contributions is provided, contributions are generally higher than when only average information is available. This effect is …
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The aim of this study is to evaluate the importance of the information about levels of reasoning on the individual … different information treatments. In experiments 2, 3 and 4, the winner(s) explained what reasoning he/she applied in choosing …
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laboratory experiment we test the different theories by systematically varying information conditions. We find significant … effects of seemingly innocent changes in information. Moreover, the generalized imitation model predicts the differences …
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