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network of agents. In our model, agents are identically informed a priori and observe network neighbors’ actions as well as … observed payoffs and imitate observed actions. Our results also allow us to interpret critical mass and network brokerage …
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agents are myopic best responders. We develop a new network measure, the contagion threshold, that determines when a p … show that a p-dominant action spreads to the whole network whenever the contagion threshold of that network is greater or … the long run. This result implies that targeted contagion, a network-wide diffusion of actions initiated by targeting …
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I study information diffusion in a social network where a third party can control the precision of information as well … each other through links in a social network. The designer relies on this word-of-mouth communication channel to diffuse …
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network core do exhibit cross-sectional evidence of polarization and are responsible for the majority of tweets received …
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We combine network formation and information transmission in a simple model and predict that people reveal less …
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, we construct an information-network model incorporating both information transmitters and information aggregators. Given … network equilibrium, its optimality and the patterns of equilibrium and optimal configuration. We then allow for endogenous … costs, the monocentric network with one aggregator connecting to all other agents as transmitters on a tree graph is the …
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We study the diffusion of a true and a false opinion (the rumor) in a social network. Upon hearing an opinion …
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I develop a theory of intermediation in a market where agents meet bilaterally to trade and buyers cannot commit to payments. Some agents observe the past trading history of traders in the market. These informed agents can secure trades by punishing traders who previously defaulted. The...
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This paper considers a population of agents that are engaged in a listening network. The agents wish to match their … neighbors in the network. I derive a closed expression for the (interim) social welfare loss that depends on the initial … information structure and on the possible pieces of information that can be gathered under the network. Then, I explore how …
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-relevant signals automatically shared with neighbors. We compare the use of information in different network structures, considering … games, we also allow subjects to modify the network before playing the game. We find behavioral deviations from the … theoretical prediction in the use of information, which depend on the network structure, the position in the network and the …
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