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The NZ economy has performed well over the past few years, having achieved relatively strong GDP and employment growth. However, some constraints to sustaining this momentum beyond the short term are emerging in the fields of skills, housing and urban infrastructure. Skills shortages have risen...
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The paper investigates the feasibility of using a variant of the spatial equilibrium model to estimate the productivity effects of a specific infrastructure project in New Zealand. Policy makers are interested in the marginal effects of infrastructure investment on productivity and an evaluation...
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This paper documents the potential employment and other value-added benefits of infrastructure investments in Ontario. In particular, it details the impact of infrastructure investment as a counter-cyclical fiscal policy tool. A review of the recent literature reveals that infrastructure...
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The paper studies the relationship between inequality and economic growth. This is done in a two sector model of endogenous growth with agents characterized by heterogeneity of factor endowments. The private sector consists of a large number of competitive ¯rms who produce the only ¯nal good...
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This paper explores the procurement of public buildings in local authorities in the UK under the Private Finance Initiative (PFI) and its consequences for small and medium sized enterprises. Following an outline of the development of PFI in the UK, the paper explains the peculiarities of local...
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After having pointed out the diverse uses of the term infrastructure in the literature on the market-economy, the different categories of infrastructure will be described. The argument in this context is that the classification of infrastructure suggested by Jochimsen has proved useful:...
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In dieser Studie argumentieren wir für einen "Big Push" bei den Infrastrukturinvestitionen im größeren Europa. Wir schlagen den Bau einer "Europäischen Seidenstraße" vor, welche die industriellen Zentren im Westen mit den bevölkerungsreichen, aber weniger entwickelten Gebieten im Osten des...
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Die Unternehmen in Deutschland werden in zunehmendem Ausmaß durch Infrastrukturmängel in ihrer Geschäftstätigkeit beeinträchtigt. Zum zweiten Mal nach 2013 hat das Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft im Rahmen seiner Konjunkturumfrage vom Frühjahr 2018 ermittelt, wie sich der Zustand...
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This paper focuses on the question whether public infrastructure capital matters for labor productivity in China, both over time and across regions. It finds that public infrastructure is a significant determinant of variations in labor productivity across provinces, but the contribution of...
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In dem Beitrag wird die Infrastrukturausstattung der neuen Bundesländer vorwiegend auf Grund einer Auswertung vorhandener Fachliteratur untersucht. Der Zustand der Infrastruktur in Ostdeutschland zum Zeitpunkt der Vereinigung 1990 war bekanntermaßen sehr schlecht. Der nach mehr als...
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