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The degree of liberalization in OECD electricity markets varies considerably across countries. Commonly explained by diverging economic performances, corruption levels or government ideologies, this paper suggest another potential reason for cross-national differences in market reforms: given...
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ideological differences in the effect of independent sector regulation on access to electricity and installed capacity. We find … negative impact from independent regulation on installed capacity in countries with leftwing governments while we find a …
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could not find any evidence that (ownership) unbundling and incentive regulation affect R&D expenditures of the utilities. … of regulation on R&D investment. Nearing competition has a dampening effect on R&D spending, but once the market and …
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. Recognising that regulation is itself costly, and that market contracting, ownership and regulation are partly substitutable forms … contracting, ownership and regulation than does state ownership. Regulation of customer-owned distribution (and transmission) is … ownership has evolved as an effective substitute for regulation. Policy implications are drawn …
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The harmonization and integration of separate national energy markets to an interconnected internal European market is a top priority of the European Commission. However, as energy policy largely remains subject to national sovereignty, a higher degree of integration can cause unilateral...
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The Russian Federation is in the process of making major structural changes to its railway and electricity sectors. Both sectors will be at least partly vertically disintegrated, with the aim of creating competition in the "upstream" sector while maintaining state ownership and control of the...
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Regulierung, ob also das Alleinabnehmermodell, das Modell spezifischer Durchleitungsrechte, das Poolmodell oder aber das Common …-Carrier-Modell Richtschnur der Regulierung sein sollte. Zum anderen wird nach der institutionellen Ausgestaltung der Regulierung gefragt. Im … institutional design of the regulation. Within this context, the recent legal developments on the European and the German level are …
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