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In October 2000, the twelve countries of South America launched, a multinational, multisectoral and multidisciplinary initiative, whose main objective is to develop the region's infrastructure within a context of environmental sustainability. Supported by the Inter-American Development Bank...
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Apesar do contexto internacional afetado pela crise financeira e creditícia originada no mercado imobiliário dos Estados Unidos, o processo de integração do Mercado Comum do Sul continuou avançando, incluindo a agenda interna onde foi alcançado alguns acordos. No período coberto por este...
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The eighteen months from June 2001 to end December 2002 were a period of unprecedented economic crisis within MERCOSUR, stemming from the sharp external shock that, with different characteristics, origins, and consequences in each member country, manifested itself in the bloc¿s two main...
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Os dezoito meses que vão desde o início do segundo semestre de 2001 até o final de 2002 marcam umperíodo de crise econômica inédita no MERCOSUL, conseqüência de um forte shock externo adverso que,se bem teve características, origens e conseqüências diferenciadas em cada um dos países...
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This study was undertaken in response to a request from the government of Brazil that the Inter-American Development Bank support the analysis of infrastructure integration in South America at the level of the region¿s highest authorities. The request was made in light of the convening of the...
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En un marco de crecimiento de la economía mundial, de una firme demanda de materias primas y de abundancia de liquidez, el Mercado Común del Sur (MERCOSUR) continúa en una fase expansiva. Los indicadores macroeconómicos revelan un bloque más sólido que el año pasado; el crecimiento se...
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The period between the second half of 2004 and the first half of 2005 can be characterized as a timeof convergence in regional macroeconomic trends. The countries of the Southern Common Market(MERCOSUR) saw not only significant economic and trade dynamism in this phase, but also commonpatterns...
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Los dieciocho meses que van desde el inicio del segundo semestre de 2001 hasta el final de 2002 marcan un período de inédita crisis económica en el MERCOSUR, consecuencia de un fuerte shock externo adverso que, si bien tuvo características, orígenes y consecuencias diferenciadas en cada uno...
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In an international context that has started showing signs of increased instability, the pace of global economic growth seems not to have been significantly affected, at least at the time of writing the present report. Growth forecasts for the global economy for this year are only slightly below...
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In spite of the international context affected by the financial and credit crisis triggered in the US mortgage market, integration of the Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR) has continued to move forward, mainly in the internal agenda, where member countries reached certain agreements. In the...
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