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Afin d'evaluer l'importance de la delocalisation des matieres (definie dans le present document comme etant l'utilisation de matieres intermediaires importees) au niveau de l'industrie, on suppose generalement que, pour une industrie particuliere, la part importee des entrees de chaque bien est...
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In order to study the importance of material offshoring (defined in this paper as the use of intermediate imported materials) at the industry level, it is generally assumed that the import share of each input commodity for a particular industry is similar to that for the economy as a...
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Le present rapport porte sur deux questions trop peu etudiees, mais qui deviennent de plus en plus importantes, a savoir la mesure de l'integration regionale et les avantages regionaux de l'integration economique nord americaine. L'objectif est d'evaluer l'integration des diverses regions du...
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This paper relates to two understudied, but increasingly important concerns: the measurement of regional integration, and the regional benefits to North American economic integration. The objective is to measure Canada's regional integration in manufacturing industries with that of the United...
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This paper explores the linkages between export-market participation and productivity performance in Canadian manufacturing plants, between foreign-controlled and domestic-controlled plants, and between young and older plants.
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Over the past three decades, tariff barriers have fallen significantly, leading to an increasing integration of Canadian manufactures into world markets and especially the U.S. market. Much attention has been paid to the effects of this shift at the national scale, while little attention has...
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Dans cet article, on examine les liens entre la participation aux marches d'exportation et la productivite des etablissements canadiens de fabrication, entre les etablissements sous controle etranger et les etablissements sous controle canadien et entre les jeunes etablissements et les...
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La presente etude porte sur l'effet de la liberalisation des echanges sur la taille des usines, la duree des cycles de production et la diversification des produits. Nous elaborons tout d'abord un modele du commerce de produits differencies sous l'hypothese d'usines multiproduits. Nous...
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Le present document a trois objectifs principaux. Premierement, il presente les tendances a long terme de l'impartition et de la delocalisation dans les diverses industries au Canada. Deuxiemement, il examine la relation entre la delocalisation et les changements aux structures des echanges au...
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This paper examines substantial productivity gains in Canadian manufacturing resulting from tariff reductions from the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement.
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