Showing 1 - 10 of 191
Do firms in developing countries shift trade towards developed economies as a result of high economic growth? The matched customs-manufacturing firm data used in this study confront this hypothesized link with empirical evidence. Our analysis reveals a rising low-income country trade share...
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Diverse goals which are widely agreed to be important in world society. Nevertheless, discussions on trade policy often refer only to economic objectives, usually still more narrowly conceived in terms of gains in aggregate income through trade. Where other objectives are not simply ignored, it...
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This paper looks at Austria's pattern of development and its lessons for Eastern Europe. Austria's development path is characterized by two features. In the post-war era Austria was among the countries with the fastest convergence rate. At the same time Austria's movement up the technological...
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Using model selection techniques based on out-of-sample predictive ability criterion in a Vector Autoregression (VAR) framework, this paper empirically examines the causal relations among growth, trade, and wage inequality in Bangladesh between 1971 and 2000. There is some evidence of...
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This note reestimates Grossman and Krueger's (1993) SO2 emissions regression including regressors to capture the effects of scale, trade and trade policy. Several new results are obtained. Increases in economic activity have a negative effect on the environment separate from changes in per...
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The increasing interdependence of world economies influenced largely by the cross-border flow of trade have enormous impacts on climate change. The purpose of this paper is to explore the effects of globalization on international trade as well as examine the ways in which trade between countries...
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It is well known fact that all good things, as also bad things, come to an end and business cycles pass through good and bad economic times. Economically 2010 was a year of transition from economic recession to recovery. Economies were improving in some countries and industries were showing...
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This research examines the economic origins of Islam and uncovers two empirical regularities. First, Muslim countries, virtual countries and ethnic groups, exhibit highly unequal regional agricultural endowments. Second, Muslim adherence is systematically larger along the pre-Islamic trade...
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Das DIW Berlin rechnet zum Jahresende mit einer Stabilisierung der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung. Voraussetzung für eine konjunkturelle Stabilisierung ist jedoch eine Rückkehr des Vertrauens in die Finanzmärkte: Hierfür sind strukturelle Reformen und eine wirksame Regulierung des...
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