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This paper explores implications of differential personal taxation for corporate investment and dividend decisions. The … personal tax advantage of dividend deferral causes shareholders to generally prefer greater investment in real assets under … internal as opposed to external financing. Furthermore, dividend deferral is shown to be costly at the corporate level, causing …
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We analyze the effects of dividend taxation in a general equilibrium business cycle model with an occasionally …-binding investment credit limit. Permanent dividend tax reforms distort capital investment decisions in the binding long-run equilibrium … the `traditional' and `new' views of dividend taxation, and highlights the importance of measuring the firm's initial …
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It has become conventional wisdom, based partly on postulated portfolio adjustments by investors in risky assets, (1) to view an income tax as equivalent to a tax levied only on the risk free return to capital and as therefore equivalent to a wealth tax; and (2) to view the difference between an...
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We investigate how personal income taxes affect the portfolio share of personal wealth that entrepreneurs invest in their own business. In a reformulation of the standard portfolio choice model that allows for underreporting of private business income to tax authorities, we show that a fall in...
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We analyze how tax incentives (bonus depreciation) affect real investment choices of firms by exploiting an exogenous variation in regional tax regulation in former East Germany (Development Area Law, DAL). Our rich administrative panel data for the universe of German manufacturing firms at the...
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We analyze how the expiration of a regional bonus depreciation regime in eastern Germany (Development Area Law, DAL) affected real investments and asset structures of establishments in the manufacturing sector. Our rich administrative data allow us not only to identify the aggregate effect, but...
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There is a lack of clear evidence of the ways in which dividend taxation affects dividend distributions and investment … Finnish dividend tax increase of 2005. This reform creates a useful opportunity to measure enterprise behaviour, since it … old view of dividend taxation. -- corporate income taxation ; dividends ; investment ; tax reform …
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