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. We adopt a three-stage profit-optimized investment model, with a (regulated) monopoly network and two asymmetrical …This paper provides a formal analysis on the investment coordination problem in a vertically separated electricity … supply industry, although the analysis may apply also to other network industries. In an electric- ity system, the investment …
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investment at the micro level. What is not clear is whether and how property rights protection affects a firm's allocation of … investment across industries for a given size of investment. In this paper, using a survey data set of private enterprises in … several possible channels through which property rights protection may affect the allocation of investment across industries …
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The case of China seems to present a counterexample to the literature on economic institutions as its private enterprises have achieved spectacular growth despite poor protection of private properties and difficulties in accessing external finance. In this study, we address this apparent puzzle...
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show that if negotiations after the investment stage require transaction costs to be paid, then ownership matters even when …
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We study a homogenous good triopoly in which firms first choose their cost-reducing R&D investments and consider alternative merger proposals, and then compete a la Cournot in the ensuing industry. We identify conditions under which both horizontal mergers and non-integration are sustained by...
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I study the effects of minority equity ownership by firms in their trade partners. Passive ownership promotes relationship-specific investments by both parties and increases the joint surplus. The relative attractiveness of partial backward vs. forward ownership depends on the specific nature of...
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they can invest to reduce such a risk. When investment is contractible dual sourcing is generally optimal because it … an incentive device in inducing investment. …
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In this paper we analyze the problem of the enforcement of incomplete contracts with endogenous outside options. Some of the equilibria we outline may reverse one of the main results presented in the standard literature. We then revisit the literature on the highly debated Fisher Body/General...
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levels of investment in discovering stars than was (or is) achievable under alternate regimes (such as today’s film … integration into exhibition through ownership of theater chains. The investment involved the experimental casting of novice actors … and conducting several different sets of tests, we find evidence of higher levels of investment in actors working under …
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