Showing 1 - 10 of 347
Consistent with the incentive implication of inside debt, I show that active equity mutual funds invest less in companies whose CEOs are awarded with higher debt-like compensation, whereas corporate bond mutual funds invest more in such companies. This finding persists after accounting for...
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Within this paper, I propose a comprehensive modelling framework to evaluate venture capital (VC) investment decisions from an individual investors' portfolio perspective.The approach integrates the perspective of different shareholding parties and allocation of rights usually determined via...
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We examine whether the reinvestment choices of public pension funds affect the governance of venture capital funds. We start with a hand-collected dataset of litigation against venture capitalists (VCs) that provides significant shocks to the reputation of VCs. We combine that information with...
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I model an open-end mutual fund investing in illiquid assets and show that the fund's endogenous cash management can generate shareholder runs even with a flexible NAV. The fund optimally re-builds its cash buffers at time t + 1 after outflows at t to prevent future forced sales of illiquid...
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With Indian economy growing at an average rate of more than 8 percent over the last five years and other macroeconomic factors and policies favorable complementing the growth, India has emerged as an attractive investment destination. Global investors looking for investment opportunities in...
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Insolvency law faces the challenge of properly liquidating insolvent estates. To achieve this, insolvency representatives need to be skilled, and paid. Countries have adopted different models for compensating insolvency representatives who liquidate estates. While a proper insolvency funding...
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We model restructuring when hedge funds with expertise in navigating distress intervene. Whether hedge funds help distressed firms or act like vultures are two sides of the same coin. Interventions help when firm prospects are bright and assets are not easily redeploy-able. Interventions are...
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We study how sovereign wealth fund (SWF) investments affect the credit risk of target companies as measured by the change in their credit default swap (CDS) spreads around the investment announcement. Our analysis is based on a sample of 391 SWF investments in 198 companies between 2003 and...
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Managerial incentives are skewed in non-listed funds under finite horizons. Compensation structures are only indirectly related to shareholder wealth maximization when share prices are unobservable. Liquidity options for investors are limited in the absence of an exchange listing. Using a...
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We explicitly show what should be taken into account when the liquidity measure Liquidity at Risk (LaR) is applied to mutual funds. We adapt the LaR such that it is able to cover certain issues arising when dealing with fund redemption data from the real world and give guidelines what has to be...
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