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We study the phase diagram of the mean-field spin-1 Ising ferromagnet in a uniform magnetic field H and a random crystal field Δi, with probability distribution P(Δi) = pδ(Δi −Δ) + (1 − p)δ(Δi). We analyse the effects of randomness on the first-order surfaces of the Δ−T−H phase...
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The double perovskite (DP) Sr2CrReO6, with its high Curie temperature, is a good candidate for magneto-electric and magneto-optic applications. Thus, a theoretical study by Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) and Mean Field Approximation (MFA) in the context of the Ising model is important for a better...
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Phase transitions of the mixed spin- 1/2 and spin-S (S≥1/2) Ising model on a three-dimensional (3D) decorated lattice with a layered magnetic structure are investigated within the framework of a precise mapping relationship to the simple spin- 1/2 Ising model on a tetragonal lattice. This...
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The Ising model in the presence of a random field, drawn from the asymmetric and anisotropic trimodal probability distribution P(hi)=pδ(hi−h0)+qδ(hi+λ∗h0)+rδ(hi), is investigated. The partial probabilities p,q,r take on values within the interval [0,1] consistent with the constraint...
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The Ising model in the presence of a random field is investigated within the mean field approximation based on Landau expansion. The random field is drawn from the trimodal probability distribution P(hi)=pδ(hi−h0)+qδ(hi+h0)+rδ(hi), where the probabilities p,q,r take on values within the...
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In their comment to the paper “Theory of the evaporation/condensation transition of equilibrium droplets in finite volumes” [Physica A 319 (2003) 99], Biskup et al. claim that in finite systems at fixed density “the physical significance of the conjugate thermodynamic variable is of...
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In this work we present the first exact solution of a system of interacting particles with phase transitions of order higher than two. The presented analytical derivation shows that the Ising model on the Cayley tree exhibits a line of third order phase transition points, between temperatures...
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A phenomenological theory of phase coexistence of finite systems near the coexistence curve that occurs in the thermodynamic limit is formulated for the generic case of d-dimensional ferromagnetic Ising lattices of linear dimension L with magnetization m slightly less than mcoex. It is argued...
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The spin-1/2 Ising model on a square lattice, with fluctuating bond interactions between nearest neighbors and in the presence of a random magnetic field, is investigated within the framework of the effective field theory based on the use of the differential operator relation. The random field...
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The Ising model, in the presence of a random field, is investigated within the mean-field approximation based on Landau expansion. The random field is drawn from the bimodal probability distribution P(h)=pδ(h−h0)+(1−p)δ(h+h0), where the probability p assumes any value within the interval...
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