Showing 1 - 10 of 19
Diversifying Germany's bilateral partnerships in the Indo-Pacific is one of the central goals of German policy. On the one hand, this diversification aims to reduce economic dependence on China, and on the other - in the context of systemic rivalry with authoritarian states - to bring about...
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Nach offiziellen Verlautbarungen besteht der Hauptzweck des Quadrilateralen Sicherheitsdialogs (Quad) darin, die Zusammenarbeit der vier Partnerländer Australien, Indien, Japan und die USA bei der Bewältigung dringlicher Herausforderungen zu intensivieren; dazu zählen unter anderem...
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According to official statements, the main purpose of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue ("Quad") is to intensify cooperation between the four partner countries - Australia, India, Japan and the United States - in tackling urgent challenges in the Indo-Pacific region. These include climate...
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According to official statements, the main purpose of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue ("Quad") is to intensify cooperation between the four partner countries - Australia, India, Japan and the United States - in tackling urgent challenges in the Indo-Pacific region. These include climate...
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Nach offiziellen Verlautbarungen besteht der Hauptzweck des Quadrilateralen Sicherheitsdialogs (Quad) darin, die Zusammenarbeit der vier Partnerländer Australien, Indien, Japan und die USA bei der Bewältigung dringlicher Herausforderungen zu intensivieren; dazu zählen unter anderem...
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Diversifying Germany's bilateral partnerships in the Indo-Pacific is one of the central goals of German policy. On the one hand, this diversification aims to reduce economic dependence on China, and on the other - in the context of systemic rivalry with authoritarian states - to bring about...
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Japan hat in jüngster Zeit unter Premierminister Kishida Fumio wichtige sicherheitspolitische Weichenstellungen vorgenommen. Im Dezember 2022 veröffentlichte Tokio eine neue Nationale Sicherheitsstrategie sowie zwei verteidigungspolitische Strategiedokumente. Unter anderem beschloss die...
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In recent weeks, Japan’s government under Prime Minister Kishida Fumio has im­plemented significant adjustments to the country’s security policy. In December 2022, Tokyo published a new National Security Strategy along with two other defence-related strategic documents. In doing so, the...
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