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Multivariate return distributions consistent with bilateral gamma marginals are formulated and termed multivariate bilateral gamma (MBG). Tail probability distances and Wasserstein Distances between return data, model simulations and their squares evaluate model performance. A full Gaussian...
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derivatives are traded primarily over the counter. I capture the limits of arbitrage in this market in a simple asset-pricing …-bearing capacity have particularly strong forecasting power for energy returns, both in sample and out of sample. -- Asset pricing …
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In this paper we introduce a discrete time pricing model for a European call option when the log-return of the … pricing errors …
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Market clichés assert that markets take escalators up and elevators down. The observation suggests differentiating models for up and down moves. Non-diffusive models allow for this and we model the move as the difference of two independent mean reverting increasing processes driven by gamma...
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derivatives are traded primarily over the counter. I capture the limits of arbitrage in this market in a simple asset pricing …
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Divergence in investor beliefs is an important driver of the negative relation between option trading volume and future stock returns. We find a strong negative relation between disagreement-based option trades and future stock returns, and this relation is markedly amplified when the underlying...
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We document that properly scaled deviations from put-call parity estimate the contribution of market frictions to expected returns (CFER) accurately, by means of a non-parametric theoretically founded identification strategy. The required conditions are that our estimator predicts the underlying...
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This paper provides new evidence on the risk return relationship by jointly analysing index return and realised variance (RV) series. It is argued that the contemporaneous correlation (CC) between the return and RV, which has been largely overlooked in the literature, is a crucial component in...
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We derive expected bond return equations for various structural credit valuation models with alternative stochastic processes and boundary conditions for default given in Merton [1974], Merton [1976], Black and Cox [1976], Heston [1993], Longstaff and Schwartz [1995], and Collin-Dufresne and...
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Using hand-collected data of commodity futures contracts going back to 1877, we replicate in the pre-sample history the well-documented cross-sectional commodity factor premia of momentum, value and basis. All three premia remain significantly positive in the additional 80-plus years of...
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