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This paper proposes a simple analysis for examining an agent's optimal decisions in a principal-agency problem. Unlike the standard approach, the target firm's expected return and risk are modeled as a parametric curve in terms of a critical business decision. A general condition is derived for...
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We develop a principal-agent model based on a sequential game played by a representative investor and a fund manager in an asymmetric information framework. The model shows that investors' perceptions of the fund market play the key role in the fund's fee-setting mechanism. The managers' true...
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This paper studies the first day return of 227 carve-outs during 1996-2013. I find that the first day return of newly issued subsidiary stocks is explained by the reporting distortions in the pre IPO period, conditioned on whether the executives and directors of the subsidiary received stock...
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Superior investment performance is the ultimate objective of mutual fund investors. However, past fund performance is no reliable indicator of future performance. Peter Lückoff investigates why fund flows and manager changes act as equilibrium mechanisms and drive the performance of both...
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The asymmetry in price pressure from seller vs. buyer-initiated transactions is identified as valuable measure of downside liquidity for corporate bonds. While the evidence of illiquidity on risk premium in the cross-section of corporate bonds is mixed, the aggregate liquidity asymmetry has a...
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basic questions within that model. We review the empirical literature through the lens of the theory, using the theory to …
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