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We propose in this paper a likelihood-based framework forcointegration analysis in panels of a fixed number of vector … errorcorrection models. Maximum likelihood estimators of thecointegrating vectors are constructed using iterated GeneralizedMethod of …
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This paper examines whether, in addition to standard unit root and cointegration tests, panel approaches also produce …
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cointegration between exchange rates and consumer price indices. The impulse response function presents a graphical view which is …
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study employed the smooth time-varying cointegration (TVC) and time-varying detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) methodology …
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evolution of the relative strength of the US dollar in a panel setting. We use panel cointegration and Panel Granger causality …
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generalized method of moment (GMM) approaches. Through series of iterative processes, it was observed that it will take four years … exchange rate regime. The GMM estimate reveals that real exchange rate misalignment has negative but significant impact on …
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cointegration between the nominal exchange rate and the relative prices. In particular, the Argentinean RER appears to be trend …
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cointegration between the nominal exchange rate and the relative prices. In particular, the Argentinean RER appears to be trend … ; cointegration ; structural breaks. …
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We examine the asymptotic behavior of unit root tests against nonlinear alternatives of the exponential smooth transition type if the data is erroneously nonlinearly transformed. We show analytically and by a Monte Carlo study that the probability of rejecting the correct null of a random walk...
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(possibly unwarranted) homogeneity and proportionality restrictions are not imposed, and trivariate cointegration (stage …
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