Showing 1 - 10 of 32
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This report provides an overview of the development of the negotiations within the UNFCCC since COP 15 in Copenhagen. It summarises the key developments in 2010 and provides short overviews for all negotiation areas. The overview also includes a state of play of the Copenhagen Accord and...
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This report provides an overview of the development of the negotiations within the UNFCCC since COP 17 in Durban. It summarises the key developments in 2011 and provides short overviews for all negotiation areas. The overview also includes a state of play of the Cancún Agreement and explains...
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This report provides an overview of the development of the negotiations within the UNFCCC since COP 18 in Doha. It summarises the key developments in 2013 and provides short overviews for all negotiation areas. The overview also includes a state of play of the Doha Climate Gateway and explains...
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The international community is negotiating a new global climate agreement to be applicable from 2020 onwards. Parties aim at signing the agreement in December 2015, at the Conference of Parties (COP) in Paris. Until then, countries are already preparing proposals for their individual...
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Transaction costs will reduce the attractiveness of the Kyoto Mechanisms compared to domestic abatement options. Especially the project-based mechanisms CDM and JI are likely to entail considerable costs of baseline development, verification and certification. The AIJ pilot phase and the PCF...
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Transaction costs and risk have generally not been taken into account in assessing the Kyoto mechanisms JI, CDM and emissions trading. However, they can have a significant influence. With regard to the project-based mechanisms, the factor that most determines the influence of transaction costs...
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Gegenstand dieser im Auftrag des Ministeriums für Umwelt und Verkehr Baden-Württemberg erstellten Studie sind die Chancen und Risiken, die mit dem Einsatz von Instrumenten zur räumlichen Flexibilisierung von Reduktionszielen in der deutschen oder auch in der europäischen Klimapolitik...
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The Kyoto Protocol sets legally binding emission targets for industrialised countries without accounting for reductions carried out prior to 2008, the beginning of the first commitment period. There exists only one exception, the project-based Clean Development Mechanism where credits accrue...
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