Showing 10,011 - 10,020 of 10,059
The goal of the Framework Convention on Climate Change (FCCC) is to stabilize the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere at levels which avoid dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate (United Nations, 1992). This paper examines the performance and cost characteristics...
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The 1998 Kyoto protocol signalled a new earnestness of international intent toward addressing the perceived risk of climate change. Kyoto demands that developed nations turn their economies so as to hit differentiated, sub-1990 level carbon emission targets within the next decade or so. But when...
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Questions of burden sharing receive increasing attention in the climate change regime. This paper introduces the WESA-mechanism (WESA = Walrasian Equilibrium with the Stand Alone upper bound) for the fair division of common property resources and monetary compensations. Furthermore, the...
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This paper applies an economic model of climate change that is based on endogenous substitution of energy resources to determine the effect of advances in renewable technology on aggregate and sectoral fossil fuel use and energy prices. It uses a Nordhaus type partial equilibrium model of the...
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When dealing with multiple greenhouse gases, we need some way to establish equivalence among gases. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has suggested the use of global warming potentials (GWPs) for making such trade-offs. We begin by examining the implications of such an...
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The purpose of the present paper is to describe the role of uncertainty and technical change in an environmental context. Which impact does ecological uncertainty have on physical and R&D investments' decisions? How are pollution trajectories modified when uncertainty is taken into account? To...
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One of the most important reasons by which Kyoto negotiations had suffered a setback at the COP 6 conference may be the unsatisfactory state about the previsions of Global Warming. This lack of knowledge may have such an influence on the formation of human opinion that we cannot to be amazed if...
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Die globale Klimapolitik befindet sich in einer Sackgasse. Während die Klimaforscher drastische Maßnahmen fordern, um die Emissionen von Klimagasen zu begrenzen, nimmt der Ausstoß dieser Gase zu. Wird die Entwicklung der Treibhausgasemissionen allein am Kohlendioxid gemessen, muss weltweit...
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Klimawandel – vor allem in den weniger entwickelten Regionen der Welt. Von den Finanzierungsvorschlägen sind aber nur wenige …
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The economy-wide implications of sea level rise in 2050 are estimated using a static computable general equilibrium model. Overall, general equilibrium effects increase the costs of sea level rise, but not necessarily in every sector or region. In the absence of coastal protection, economies...
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