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on the one hand and the core property of an allocation on the other. In particular we show that it is an inhomogeneous … sacrifice') which is derived from the egalitarian-equivalent concept suggested by Moulin (1987). We also develop a simple core … test by which it can be checked whether a given allocation is in the core thus being a possible outcome of a cooperative …
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, the set of Walrasian payoff vectors of the induced coalition production economy coincides with the core of the balanced …
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) coalitional equilibrium, describe a (cooperative) partition form game. A coalition is core-stable if the core of a suitable …
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We formulate and study a general finite-horizon bargaining game with simultaneous moves and a disagreement outcome that need not be the worst possible result for the agents. Conditions are identified under which the game is dominance solvable in the sense that iterative deletion of weakly...
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coalition forms without delay in equilibrium, expected payoffs must be in the core of the characteristic function game that …
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the average rankings of the other types of groups. We show that a core stable coalition structure always exists, provided …
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This paper associates a strategic n-person game with a given transferable utility game and studies its Nash equilibria. Strict equilibria in this model characterize those divisions of social surplus that can become conventions in the sense of Young (1993). It is shown that even in relatively...
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