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This paper develops an estimator for higher-order spatial autoregressive panel data error component models with spatial autoregressive disturbances, SARAR(R,S). We derive the moment conditions and optimal weighting matrix without distributional assumptions for a generalized moments (GM)...
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This paper investigates the nature of day-to-day competition between flights using a unique panel data set on prices and inventories. We use instrumental variables methods and several spatial autoregressive models (SAR) to estimate price reaction functions. The primary source of product...
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The model selection approach has been proposed as an alternative to the popular tests for cointegration such as the residual-based ADF test and the system-based trace test. Using information criteria, we conduct cointegration tests on 165 data sets used in published studies. The empirical...
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We propose a bounds testing procedure (BTP) with a battery of tests for the existence of a non-degenerate co-integrating relationship in levels, for long panels. It is a natural extension to panel data of the respective approach in time series as described by Pesaran, Shin and Smith (2001) and...
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In advanced economies, rising inequality has become a significant economic issue. Our paper examines one dimension of the impact of inequality. This study employs panel estimators that tackle heterogeneity and cross-sectional dependence to estimate the impact of income inequality on import...
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This is a study of 42 developing countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America in which we first examine the impact of trade liberalisation on economic growth, investment share of GDP, openness, trade balance and current accounts (as percentages of GDP). Both panel data and country by country data...
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estimation theory, to understand and apply widely used time series econometric techniques."--Jacket …
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We explore the economics and optimal design of "permissioned" distributed ledger technology (DLT) in a credit economy …
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This study examines both the short-run and long-run relationship among Information and Communication Technology (ICT), economic growth and electricity consumption using annual time-series data for India for the period 1991–2014. All the variables under study are I (1) as per...
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