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Communication breakdowns between consulting and client teams are often cited to be a primary factor in unsuccessful engagements, particularly when simulation models are used to map complex problems. To advance the understanding of this subject, eleven interviews with practitioners were conducted...
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This is a PDF file of 'Financial Behavior: The Psychology of Client Communications" presented at the Financial Planning Association (FPA) of Greater Indiana Chapter, November 2019 meeting.This presentation focused on how financial experts and their clients exhibit a wide array of behavioral...
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Examining the contractual disclosures during the sale of private-label residential mortgage-backed securities (RMBS) before the 2008 financial crisis, we find that textual contents in the risk-factor section predict subsequent losses and yet were not reflected in pricing. Insurance companies,...
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Sound information communication is an important guarantee of financial development. In this study, the impact of information communication on financial development is analyzed using panel data on Chinese cities. The instrumental variable method is adopted to deal with endogeneity between...
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We provide a game theoretic analysis of how power shapes the clarity of communication. We analyze information transmission in a cheap talk bargaining game between an informed Sender and an uninformed Receiver. Theoretically, we find that the maximum amount of information that can be transmitted...
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Abstract: In the dynamic game we analyze, players are the members of a ?xed network. Everyone is initially endowed with an information item that he is the only player to hold. Players are offered a ?nite number of periods to centralize the initially dispersed items in the hands of any one member...
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Die Bedeutung der sozialen Medien nimmt rasant zu. Damit steigt auch ihre Relevanz als ein möglicher Kommunikationskanal für die Ökonomen. Am Beispiel des Microbloggingdiensts Twitter wird analysiert, wie deutsche Top-Ökonomen einerseits die sozialen Medien nutzen, um die Gesellschaft über...
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We study a communication game of common interest in which the sender observes one of infinite types and sends one of finite messages which is interpreted by the receiver. In equilibrium there is no full separation but types are clustered into convex categories. We give a full characterization of...
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In a public goods experiment, subjects can vary over a period of stochastic length two contribution levels: one is publicly observable (their cheap talk stated intention), while the other is not seen by the others (their secret intention). When the period suddenly stops, participants are...
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Ziel dieses Forschungsvorhabens war es, Erfolgsfaktoren für das unternehmerische Krisenmanagement zu ermitteln. Die Forschungshypothese "In der Krise beweist sich der Charakter" hat sich insofern bestätigt, als deutlich wurde, dass auf der einen Seite die Persönlichkeit des...
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