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L’évolution de la croissance de l’économie mondiale joue un rôle crucial dans la conduite de la politique monétaire canadienne. À cet égard, les auteurs étudient l’utilité des indices mensuels des directeurs d’achats (PMI) pour la prévision de la croissance du PIB réel à court...
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The 1990s were the most prosperous decade in U.S. economic history. The paper analyses to which extent this period fits into preceding cyclical experience. This is done by classifying the period 1991-12 to 2000-12 with the help of a 4-phase classification scheme based on multivariate...
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Im Vergleich zum EU-Durchschnitt und zu den Vereinigten Staaten hat Deutschland seit einigen Jahren eine höhere Arbeitslosenquote und niedrigere Wachstumsraten zu verzeichnen. Worauf ist diese Entwicklung zurückzuführen? Ist der gegenwärtige Aufschwung nachhaltig?
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This study analyzes the sensitivity of US giving to both business cycle fluctuations and trend growth. With tax revenues as a point of reference, US giving constitutes a relatively stable source of revenue. Total giving is characterized by a business cycle volatility which is comparable to the...
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Eine Studie von Goldman/Sachs setzt sich mit den Ursachen der deutschen Wachstumsschwäche auseinander. Sie wartet dabei mit einer Erklärung auf, die in der wirtschaftspolitischen Öffentlichkeit starke Beachtung gefunden hat . Danach läge das Kernproblem der deutschen Volkswirtschaft nicht...
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politischer Faktoren auf das Wirtschaftswachstum nicht relevant zu sein. Das Vorhandensein von ,tradeoffs zwischen linken und …
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This paper employs an augmented version of the UECCC GARCH specification proposed in Conrad and Karanasos (2010) which allows for lagged in-mean effects, level effects as well as asymmetries in the conditional variances. In this unified framework we examine the twelve potential intertemporal...
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This paper proposes a new model-based method to obtain a coincident indicator for the business cycle. A dynamic factor model with trend components and a common cycle component is considered which can be estimated using standard maximum likelihood methods. The multivariate unobserved components...
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This paper discusses the economic performance of Latin America in the last decade, paying special attention to growth and the financial sector. In particular, it shows that external factors, such as like U. S. interest rates and the business cycle, play a key role in capital inflows, investment,...
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This paper studies how the interplay between technological shocks and financial variables shapes the properties of macroeconomic dynamics. Most of the existing literature has based the analysis of aggregate macroeconomic regularities on the representative agent hypothesis (RAH). However, recent...
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