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In this paper I investigate the relation between macroeconomic risk and higher-moment risk premia. I use existing … methodology for kurtosis swaps. The expected excess returns on such swaps are interpreted as higher-moment risk premia. I find … evidence supporting an increase in tail risk when variance is low and expectations about economic growth are positive. In such …
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individual financial risk taste changes over time with the background macroeconomic and financial conditions, as well as personal … and subjective exposure to portfolio risk. Considering six different self-assessed facets, we find that risk appetite is … higher during periods of economic growth and lower during periods of recession. Risk taste is however unrelated to time when …
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Recent work in international finance suggests that the forward premium puzzle can be accounted for if (1) aggregate uncertainty is time-varying, and (2) countries have heterogeneous exposures to a world aggregate shock. We embed these features in a standard two-country real business cycle...
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shocks to aggregate uncertainty, I introduce a small, time-varying risk of economic disaster in a standard real business … risk of disaster does not affect the path of macroeconomic aggregates - a "separation theorem" between macroeconomic … variation in risk premia over time, are observationally equivalent to preference shocks. An increase in the perceived …
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This paper studies the impact of financial sector size and leverage on business cycles and risk-free rates dynamics. We … model a general equilibrium productive economy where financial intermediaries provide costly risk mitigation to households … intermediaries' relative size, but may also mitigate the business cycle. Moreover, it makes risk-free rates pro-cyclical. Households …
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