Showing 1 - 10 of 24
After Lehman default (credit crisis which started in 2007), practitioners considered the default risk as a major risk. The Industry began to charge for the default risk of any derivatives. In this article we try to extend the work of V.Piterbarg who established the fundamental of a new world in...
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In the present paper we fill an essential gap in the Convertible Bonds pricing world by deriving a Binary Tree based model for valuation subject to credit risk. This model belongs to the framework known as Equity to Credit Risk. We show that this model converges in continuous time to the model...
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We propose two structural models for stochastic losses given default which allow to model the credit losses of a portfolio of defaultable financial instruments. The credit losses are integrated into a structural model of default events accounting for correlations between the default events and...
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We propose a structural default model to evaluate the counterparty risk by trading in credit default swap (CDS) contracts. We model the joint evolution of the firm value of the entity underlying the CDS contract and the counterparty using a correlated jump-diffusion process. Unlike the...
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This lecture is given at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, in France, to students of the Master of Research (DEA) "Money, Bank and Finance". It is a general yet thourough introduction to the understanding of credit derivatives (market practices, pricing, strategies, risk managment)
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Aim of this research paper it to develop an alternative model for portfolio credit risk to those widely used - CreditRisk+ and CreditMetrics. The model aspires to patch the usual weak points of portfolio credit models and also is easy to implement. General engine relies on one-factor copula...
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A framework which consistently and fully integrates market, credit and country transfer risks of a general portfolio of financial assets in a multi-period setup is developed. An appropriate definition of exposure, loss-given-defaults and loss-given-transfer-events provides a unified treatment of...
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The model derives risky corporate bond prices (or equivalently credit spreads) subject to credit default and migration risk, based on an extended version of the Jarrow, Lando and Turnbull model, under a risk-neutral framework, as a result of the simulation of a continuous time, time-homogeneous...
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Several models of how to price synthetic CDOs are presented. The study focuses on comparison of classical Gaussian copula with NIG copula, double t-copula and gaussian stochastic correlation model. Because the the t-copula is technically the most demanding of the presented approaches and usually...
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Weather derivatives are contingent claims with payoff based on a pre-specified weather index. Firms exposed to weather risk can transfer it to financial markets via weather derivatives. We develop a utility-based model for pricing baskets of weather derivatives in over-the-counter markets under...
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