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For a postscript copy of this paper, click <a href="/Data/isu/"> here. The paper examines changes in employment and wage patterns, industrial restructuring, and foreign competition that affect opportunities of recent immigrants to the non-metropolitan Midwest, especially to Iowa. The focus is on food and kindred...</a>
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The primary focus of this paper is the impact of knowledge creation and innovative activity on non-farm employment growth. Non-farm employment growth is modeled in a stylized model where new knowledge and local economic externalities are key factors driving technology growth. For our empirical...
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The primary focus of this paper is the impact of knowledge creation and innovative activity on employment growth. A number of employment growth hypotheses are tested for counties in Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota and North Dakota. We assume that new knowledge and...
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This study uses an overlapping generations (OLG) model with two labor types and two employment regions to examine factors driving labor migration. Specifically, we examine the effect of innovative behavior on employment growth. Using an OLG model, we test this hypothesis in the Midwestern States...
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This report is an empirical inquiry into how poverty is changed by the macroeconomy. The analysis suggests low real wage rates and not the unemployment rate are the most important determinant of poverty in the long run. Changes in output and unemployment primarily affect cyclical or shortun...
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