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The report examined the location of jobs in 27 census metropolitan areas, paying particular attention to developments in Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa-Hull, Toronto, Winnipeg, Calgary, Edmonton and Vancouver. It also analysed the modes commuters used to travel to work, emphasising public transit and...
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Les auteurs de nombreuses etudes des heures de travail ont tire d'importantes conclusions des resultats des enquetes transversales. Par exemple, a tout moment donne, la part des personnes qui travaillent de longues heures est assez importante. En outre, elle semble avoir augmente au cours des...
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Cette etude chercher a verifier si les tendances emergentes et celles deja bien visibles du marche du travail des annees 90 se sont inversees sous la pression de la robuste croissance economique de 1997-1999. Plus particulierement, elle analyse la montee spectaculaire du travail independant, les...
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This article summarizes findings from the research paper entitled: Work Hours Instability in Canada. Numerous studies of working hours have drawn important conclusions from cross-sectional surveys. For example, the share of individuals working long hours is quite large at any given point in...
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This paper investigates the link between financial structure and employment growth, and the link between financial structure and inventory growth, among incorporated Canadian manufacturers from 1988 to 1997. It finds that financially vulnerable firms - smaller firms and those with higher...
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Using a new dataset which combines the 1982-1997 tax records and administrative records of British Columbia bachelors graduates from the classes of 1974-96, the real market income of graduates is examined, focussing on changes in income between graduating cohorts, as well as differences across...
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Our objective is to obtain an accurate estimate of the degree of intergenerational income mobility in Canada. We use income tax information on about 400,000 father-son pairs, and find intergenerational earnings elasticities to be about 0.2. Earnings mobility tends to be slightly greater than...
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Le present rapport porte sur l'emplacement des emplois dans 27 regions metropolitaines de recensement, une attention plus particuliere etant accordee a l'evolution de la situation a Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa-Hull, Toronto, Winnipeg, Calgary, Edmonton et Vancouver. En outre, on y analyse les modes...
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The report examines employment, unemployment, work activity, earnings, industrial structure, industry concentration and diversity, and human capital and population growth due to immigration and inter-CMA mobility in Census Metropolitan Areas (CMAs) between 1981 and 2001. Employment and...
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Avec l'aide d'un nouvel ensemble de donnees qui combine les dossiers d'impot de 1982 a 1997 et les dossiers administratifs de bacheliers de la Colombie-Britannique des promotions 1974 a 1996, on examine le revenu reel tire du marche du travail de ces diplomes, en me concentrant sur les...
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