Showing 1 - 10 of 20
A growing literature has found a positive association between human capital and long-run employment growth across cities. These studies have increased interest in understanding the location choices of university degree-holders, a group often used as a proxy measure of human capital. Based on...
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This paper examines the process by which migrants experience gains in earnings subsequent to migration and, in particular, the advantage that migrants obtain from moving to large, dynamic metropolitan labour markets, using Toronto as a benchmark. There are two potentially distinct patterns to...
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Using data from the Provincial KLEMS database, this paper asks whether provincial economies have undergone structural change in their business sectors since 2000. It does so by applying a measure of industrial change (the dissimilarity index) using measures of output (real GDP) and hours worked....
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La presente etude porte sur le processus amenant les migrants a realiser des gains salariaux a la suite de leur migration; l'examen porte plus particulierement sur l'avantage associe a la migration vers des marches du travail metropolitains dynamiques et de grande taille, Toronto servant a cet...
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Une litterature de plus en plus abondante fait etat d'une association positive entre le capital humain et la croissance de long terme de l'emploi dans les villes. Ces etudes ont suscite le desir de comprendre ce qui influence les titulaires d'un diplome universitaire, groupe souvent utilise...
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A partir des donnees de la base de donnees provinciale KLEMS, le present document vise a determiner si le secteur des entreprises des economies provinciales a connu un changement structurel depuis 2000. A cette fin, on applique une mesure du changement dans les industries (l?indice de...
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In recent years, cities have become increasingly interested in their ability to generate, attract and retain human capital. One measure of human capital is employment in science- and engineering-based occupations. This paper provides a comparison of the employment shares of these specialized...
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A l'aide de donnees du Recensement de 2001, nous etudions dans quelle mesure l'ecart urbain-rural entre les gains des travailleurs occupes est influence par la composition du capital humain et les economies d'agglomeration. Ces facteurs ont tous deux ete associes theoriquement et empiriquement...
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Using 2001 Census data, this paper investigates the extent to which the urban-rural gap in the earnings of employed workers is associated with human capital composition and agglomeration economies. Both factors have been theoretically and empirically linked to urban-rural earnings differences....
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This paper provides an analysis of trends in business sector head office employment in Canada from 1999 to 2005. It investigates changes in the number of head offices and head office employment over this period. The paper also examines the effect of foreign ownership on head office employment....
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