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This paper surveys some applications of cooperative game theory to supply chain management. Special emphasis is placed on two important aspects of cooperative games: profit allocation and stability. The paper first describes the construction of the set of feasible outcomes in commonly seen...
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demand, the core is a singleton. For a particular class of demands we show how the core shrinks to a singleton when the …
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We study a one-period supply chain problem consisting of numerous suppliers delivering a homogenous good. Individual supply is uncertain and may exhibit dependencies with other suppliers as well as with the stochastic demand. Assuming that reliability of supply represents an economic value for...
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of the exchange. This setting subsumes (many-to-many) matching with contracts, as well as supply chain matching. When …
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In a general model of trading networks with bilateral contracts, we propose a suitably adapted chain stability concept that plays the same role as pairwise stability in two-sided settings. We show that chain stability is equivalent to stability if all agents' preferences are jointly fully...
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Over the last two decades, differential game (DG) models have been used extensively to study such issues in dynamic environments as competitive advertising and pricing for new products in the marketing literature, capacity investments in the energy industry, government's subsidy policy in new...
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This study investigates the strategic effect of return policies in a dual-channel supply chain, in which a manufacturer can sell products directly to end customers and indirectly via an independent retailer. The manufacturer decides whether to implement a return policy in either the direct or...
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