Showing 1 - 10 of 1,176
Using linked employer-employee data, this study measures and decomposes the differences in the earnings distribution between male and female employees in Germany. I extend the traditional decomposition to disentangle the effect of human capital characteristics and the effect of firm...
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Women earn less than men but are not less satisfied with life. This paper explores whether norms regarding the appropriate pay for women compared to men may explain these findings. In order to capture the spatial variation in such norms, we take community level information on citizens' approval...
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This paper examines the extent to which human capital theory can explain observed wage differentialsin the Russian Federation. Wage and income dispersion have increased markedly in Russia in the sixyears since the transition began. Some studies conclude that this is an indicator that Russian...
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The authors adopt the Five-Factor Model of personality structure to explore how personalityaffected the earnings of a large group of men and women who graduated from Wisconsin highschools in 1957 and were re-interviewed in 1992. All five basic traits–extroversion,...
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Very little is known about gender wage disparities in Kosovo and, to date, nothing is known about how such wage disparities evolve over time, particularly during the first few years spent by young workers in the labor market. More generally, not much is known about gender wage gaps in early...
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This paper studies the impact of incentives on worker self-selection in a controlled laboratory experiment. Subjects face the choice between a fixed and a variable payment scheme. Depending on the treatment, the variable payment is a piece rate, a tournament or a revenue-sharing scheme. We find...
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This article provides a comparative analysis of the development of the gender wage gap in West Germany and Sweden during the period 1960-2006. Despite the economic similarities including broad social safety nets, the gap has developed differently since 1960. This analysis accounts for micro- and...
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The study analyses the gender pay gap in private-sector management positions in Germany based on data from the German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP) for the years 2001-2008. It focuses in particular on gender segregation in the labor market, that is, on the unequal distribution of women and...
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Der Unterschied im Bruttoverdienst zwischen Frauen und Männern ist seit Jahren nahezu gleich groß. 2007 lag er bei durchschnittlich 22 Prozent für Vollzeit beschäftigte Frauen. Üblicherweise wird diese Lohnkluft durch Unterschiede zwischen Frauen und Männern bezüglich ihrer Qualifikation,...
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Im Januar 2018 trat das Entgelttransparenzgesetz in Kraft. Es ist darauf ausgelegt, Lohnunterschiede zwischen Frauen und Männern zu reduzieren sowie mehr Transparenz bei betrieblichen Gehaltsstrukturen zu schaffen. Das Gesetz räumt Mitarbeitern in Firmen mit mehr als 200 Angestellten das Recht...
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