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We consider repeated interaction among several producers of a homogeneous, divisible good, traded at a common market. Demand is uncertain, and its law is unknown.
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The integration of the power markets in Norway and Sweden in 1996 significantly constrained the major power companies' ability to exercise market power within their national borders. In recent years, however margers and reciprocal acquisition of shares have reduced the number of independent...
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In this paper, we study the effects of introducing endogenous costs in a Tullock model of rent-seeking. We show that unions can be efficiency improving, and that the firms' level of effort depends more critically upon the number of firms participating in the contests when unions are present. We...
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To be able to describe informal rural credit markets, we apply the Brock and Scheinkman model of a price setting and capacity constrained oligopoly, where firms tacitly collude on monopoly pricing. We generalise the model to allow for third-degree price discrimination. The interval of aggregate...
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Emission of uniformly dispersed greenhouse gases in construed here as a cooperative production game, featuring side-payments, quata exchange, uncertainty, and multi-period planning. Stochastic programming offers good instruments to analyze such games. Absent efficient markets for emissions, such...
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