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. Comparing the predicted and observed matching patterns, we find that the Gale-Shapley model explains the matches achieved by the … explore whether the estimated mate preferences, in conjunction with the Gale-Shapley algorithm, can explain the matching …
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It is well known that a stable matching in a many-to-one matching market with couples need not exist. We introduce a … new matching algorithm for such markets and show that for a general class of large random markets the algorithm will nd a … stable matching with high probability. In particular we allow the number of couples to grow at a near-linear rate …
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We know from Gale and Shapley (1962) that every Two-Sided Matching Game has a stable solution. It is also well …
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The paper investigates the intergenerational transmission of divorce in China with the data from The China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study (CHARLS). The empirical results show that parental divorce increases the odd ratio of children's divorce significantly by 104.12% in complementary...
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We study the implementability of stable correspondences in marriage markets with externalities. We prove that, contrary to what happens in markets without externalities, no stable revelation mechanism makes a dominant strategy for the agents on one side of the market to reveal their preferences....
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In this paper, we propose two new mechanisms operating in two-sided matching games. The first mechanism implements the …-empty subset of stable matchings such that the outcome set includes (wo)men-optimal stable matching, and there does not exist any … matching which is not a member of the set and better than some matching in the set in view of (wo)men. In addition, we present …
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We investigate the role of marital patterns in explaining rising income inequality using a structural marriage matching …
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When limited to heterosexual marriage, agents of different genders are not guaranteed to harvest the same payoff even conditional on having the same type, even if all other factors, such as search costs or the distribution of partner types, are same across genders. If same-sex marriage is...
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We present a methodology for the structural empirical analysis of household consumption and time use behaviour under marital stability. Our approach is of the revealed preference type and non-parametric, meaning that it does not require a prior functional specification of individual utilities....
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I build an equilibrium investment-and-marriage model to explain stylized facts about education, income, and marriage for Americans born in the twentieth century that had not been explained in a unified way. The most novel finding is a theoretical explanation for why women attend college at a...
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