Showing 1 - 10 of 21
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A new correlation scheme (leading to a special equilibrium called “soft” correlated equilibrium) is introduced for finite games. After randomization over the outcome space, players have the choice either to follow the recommendation of an umpire blindly or freely choose some other action...
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A correlation scheme (leading to a special equilibrium called “soft” correlated equilibrium) is applied for two-person finite games in extensive form with perfect information. Randomization by an umpire takes place over the leaves of the game tree. At every decision point players have the...
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The “Nash program” initiated by Nash (Econometrica 21:128–140, 1953) is a research agenda aiming at representing every axiomatically determined cooperative solution to a game as a Nash outcome of a reasonable noncooperative bargaining game. The L-Nash solution first defined by Forgó...
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A tanulmány a Nash egyensúly és a korrelált egyensúly interpretációjával, a racionalitással való kapcsolatával és a Nash egyensúly axiomatikus megalapozásával foglalkozik. Problémákat vet fel, kételyeket fogalmaz meg és válaszokat keres. Foglalkozik többek között a...
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A new axiomatization of the Nash equilibrium correspondence for n-person games based on independence of irrelevant strategies is given. Using a flexible general model, it is proved that the Nash equilibrium correspondence is the only solution to satisfy the axioms of non-emptiness, weak...
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Social dilemmas, in particular the prisoners' dilemma, are represented as congestion games, and within this framework soft correlated equilibria as introduced by Forgó F. (2010, A generalization of correlated equilibrium: A new protocol. Mathematical Social Sciences 60:186-190) is used to...
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Krekó Béla a magyar közgazdasági oktatás megújításának kiemelkedő alakja, aki 1956 után és az 1960-as években a Marx Károly Közgazdaságtudományi Egyetemen (MKKE) élharcosa volt a matematika oktatás reformjának, az operációkutatási oktatás bevezetésének és a...
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Exact enforcement values (Ashlagi I, Monderer D and Tennenholz M (2008) Journal of Artificial Intelligence 33:575-613) of soft correlated equilibrium (Forgó F (2010) Mathematical Social Sciences 60:186-190) for non-decreasing and mixed two-facility simple linear congestion games (including...
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